by Maria Lisa Polegatto
Happy New Year! Another year comes before us and here we are. Blessed to be given a new day, a new year. 2025 unfolds. What is the year going to hold? Only time will tell in reality but we can do our best to be our best this year. Spend your time in the present moment so the days don't whiz on by too fast.
On the world stage is an interesting year ahead. The war between Russia and Ukraine is ongoing :( Trump is beginning office soon with tariffs in mind to be placed against Canada and vice versa. Canada's Prime Minster, Trudeau, who had to step aside as did the USA, Biden. I thought Biden's comments about Trudeau were so fitting for a President to convey to another world leader - "the world is better off" because of Trudeau. Even if you don't like either leader, respect the fact that they are/were world leaders who know what it is like to have that kind of pressure everyday and still show up everyday. I'm not going to get political with this post as life is not about politics but rather being a good person.
And as if we need anymore wars or tariffs or taxes or price hikes. As citizens we are already taxed at alarming rates. Food is outrageously priced but we buy it anyway to eat. We need to stand up and refuse to pay these prices but what are the alternatives to eating? Especially if you want to eat healthy. I love to buy on sale as I work hard for my money. Spend your money wisely.
Today, society values material things. Auctions with items going for millions of dollars on famous people's clothing, instruments, and things, just things. We can't take any of it with us when we go. It gets left behind for others to throw out or sell off or keep as mementos. What would the millions of dollars do to feed hungry people, house families, help wildlife and nature. Healthcare is in critical state. There are any number of things a million dollars could be used for. Is it enough? Probably not. But there are many millions of dollars being spent on frivolous things. Could we spare some to help others, animals, wildlife, nature? It takes each of us to make a difference. Make 2025 a year you decide to live with passion, meaning and purpose to do things that make you feel good inside not just look good on the outside.
Fake news, of course, will continue on. I think that's why citizens have taken to their cell phones to convey real visions and messages to the world. I always love taking political classes to discuss world issues and, political jargon and predicting future endeavors. Gossip and rumors run faster than any truth. Let the wolves howl at night. Always tell the truth anyway. It's the only way to go. It's free, easy to remember and lets you sleep at night.
Covid has subsided, or has it? Has it just become another day with sickness in the world with the virus spinning out into new viruses or old viruses leaking still? Are we so caught up with winning that we forgot human decency. Love thy neighbor. Do onto others. Be kind to other humans, animals and nature.
This year will go by just as fast as last year and while each year seems like it goes by faster, does it? Are we just getting older and slowing down with aging? Or are we just getting busier and not noticing the time ticking by. Today cell phones, glued to our hands, are not just distracting with instant messages and social media but it sucks you in and time passes by with what seems like seconds could be minutes, then hours later. It can be good if you are in the waiting room for hours to have something to do though. Take the good with the bad but focus on the positive.
This year, I have some plans to organize and use social media less in terms of scrolling. My house is changing locations of items and even between floors. Decluttering is bliss when it's done. In between it's just a whole lot of mess, lol. Get creative and let your mind refresh while you do your own kind of art.
I have started using an app to refresh and learn more French. My Mother was French and knew the language. It was different than what school is teaching these days. It was Acadian French. The original French from France. Learn about your heritage and you will discover many things that will amaze you.
I have also started a new health journey to lose a few pounds - 10 at least would be nice, 20 even nicer. I'll take what I can get and not stress about filling out my clothes - as long as they fit, lol. I am eating more of the foods that burn fat, like ginger, cinnamon, lean meat or fish, food nutrients but some chocolate has to be in the mix. Feed your body with healthy nutrients.
I always wake up in the morning feeling blessed to have another day. Be yourself everyday and you will find good things in the world when you look for them and appreciate when you find them. Spend some time in nature everyday if you can. Nature is full of surprises and rejuvenates you as you marvel in its glory.
What are your plans for 2025? What resolutions did you make? Did you make any or are you going day by day? Spend each day with meaning and enjoy your time from morning until night, stress less, love more.
Namaste - the light in me recognizes the light in you. Be humankind - the kind of human that is kind.
Happy New Year! Another year comes before us and here we are. Blessed to be given a new day, a new year. 2025 unfolds. What is the year going to hold? Only time will tell in reality but we can do our best to be our best this year. Spend your time in the present moment so the days don't whiz on by too fast.
On the world stage is an interesting year ahead. The war between Russia and Ukraine is ongoing :( Trump is beginning office soon with tariffs in mind to be placed against Canada and vice versa. Canada's Prime Minster, Trudeau, who had to step aside as did the USA, Biden. I thought Biden's comments about Trudeau were so fitting for a President to convey to another world leader - "the world is better off" because of Trudeau. Even if you don't like either leader, respect the fact that they are/were world leaders who know what it is like to have that kind of pressure everyday and still show up everyday. I'm not going to get political with this post as life is not about politics but rather being a good person.
And as if we need anymore wars or tariffs or taxes or price hikes. As citizens we are already taxed at alarming rates. Food is outrageously priced but we buy it anyway to eat. We need to stand up and refuse to pay these prices but what are the alternatives to eating? Especially if you want to eat healthy. I love to buy on sale as I work hard for my money. Spend your money wisely.
Today, society values material things. Auctions with items going for millions of dollars on famous people's clothing, instruments, and things, just things. We can't take any of it with us when we go. It gets left behind for others to throw out or sell off or keep as mementos. What would the millions of dollars do to feed hungry people, house families, help wildlife and nature. Healthcare is in critical state. There are any number of things a million dollars could be used for. Is it enough? Probably not. But there are many millions of dollars being spent on frivolous things. Could we spare some to help others, animals, wildlife, nature? It takes each of us to make a difference. Make 2025 a year you decide to live with passion, meaning and purpose to do things that make you feel good inside not just look good on the outside.
Fake news, of course, will continue on. I think that's why citizens have taken to their cell phones to convey real visions and messages to the world. I always love taking political classes to discuss world issues and, political jargon and predicting future endeavors. Gossip and rumors run faster than any truth. Let the wolves howl at night. Always tell the truth anyway. It's the only way to go. It's free, easy to remember and lets you sleep at night.
Covid has subsided, or has it? Has it just become another day with sickness in the world with the virus spinning out into new viruses or old viruses leaking still? Are we so caught up with winning that we forgot human decency. Love thy neighbor. Do onto others. Be kind to other humans, animals and nature.
This year will go by just as fast as last year and while each year seems like it goes by faster, does it? Are we just getting older and slowing down with aging? Or are we just getting busier and not noticing the time ticking by. Today cell phones, glued to our hands, are not just distracting with instant messages and social media but it sucks you in and time passes by with what seems like seconds could be minutes, then hours later. It can be good if you are in the waiting room for hours to have something to do though. Take the good with the bad but focus on the positive.
This year, I have some plans to organize and use social media less in terms of scrolling. My house is changing locations of items and even between floors. Decluttering is bliss when it's done. In between it's just a whole lot of mess, lol. Get creative and let your mind refresh while you do your own kind of art.
I have started using an app to refresh and learn more French. My Mother was French and knew the language. It was different than what school is teaching these days. It was Acadian French. The original French from France. Learn about your heritage and you will discover many things that will amaze you.
I have also started a new health journey to lose a few pounds - 10 at least would be nice, 20 even nicer. I'll take what I can get and not stress about filling out my clothes - as long as they fit, lol. I am eating more of the foods that burn fat, like ginger, cinnamon, lean meat or fish, food nutrients but some chocolate has to be in the mix. Feed your body with healthy nutrients.
I always wake up in the morning feeling blessed to have another day. Be yourself everyday and you will find good things in the world when you look for them and appreciate when you find them. Spend some time in nature everyday if you can. Nature is full of surprises and rejuvenates you as you marvel in its glory.
What are your plans for 2025? What resolutions did you make? Did you make any or are you going day by day? Spend each day with meaning and enjoy your time from morning until night, stress less, love more.
Namaste - the light in me recognizes the light in you. Be humankind - the kind of human that is kind.