My dogs and I are beach bums! We roam the ocean shores and enjoy the sounds of the waves crashing on the shores, the rolling rocks as the waves roll in and out and wonder at the sights and sounds of wildlife. Some days are sunny and warm and others are foggy and drizzly. We always bring a variety of clothes so we are ready for all conditions. Lunch is always a treat to eat at the ocean side on a log nature has conveniently provided.
We also pick up trash that has washed in on the shores or the wind has blown there. Today we were lucky. There was only 1.02 kg of trash we picked up. Our beach is relatively clean but nature can carry trash from far away. We have found items over the years with foreign writing on the bottles. Big storms can even wash in huge trees and wood remnants we could never lift.
Do you get out into nature? Do you pick up trash or even take your own trash home with you to dispose of properly? Did you know trash can travel great distances and endanger wildlife? Nature is here for our enjoyment. Let's protect it and take care of it so it last forever!
Enjoy your weekend!
Do you get out into nature? Do you pick up trash or even take your own trash home with you to dispose of properly? Did you know trash can travel great distances and endanger wildlife? Nature is here for our enjoyment. Let's protect it and take care of it so it last forever!
Enjoy your weekend!