Deep Dive Into The Ocean Ecosystem With The Giants is research for people of all ages about whales, how whales engineer the oceans and help mitigate climate change (Roman, 2014), assist with interconnected species (Doughty et al, 2016) and organisms (Wang, 2013), the social issues surrounding whales struggling to survive, and in doing so, helping humanity survive (Zhu et al, 2019) with climate change in the posthumanism and Anthropocene era. While I am not an expert, I am an interested citizen who does citizen science and has created this website from the perspective of a layperson and researcher drawing on numerous literature. Research delved into the areas of natural science of biology (marine biology, ecology, zoology), history, geography, law, human-whale interactions, climate change, pollution, citizen science, whale related technology, future research considerations and social sciences (Anthropocene, humanities, post humanism).
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