Sending prayers to the deceased seal and his colony with some Reiki Drumming to heal and send support to them. Such a sad finding of an adult seal laying on the shoreline yesterday with holes in his side likely causing his fatality. Today, nature provided its serenity to instill a sense of sadness surrounded by its unending beauty. The circle of life occurs and while it did not appear natural, it brings nutrients to the sand.
Did you know seals come to land when injured so they don't drown in the ocean waters? This seal came ashore, either by his own doing or from the ocean waves. I was too late to offer him life saving help as he was already deceased when found. And while I did a report to MARS, it brings a sense of reality to the world in what is important in life and how quickly things can change. For this seal and his colony, a sad change. For humanity in general, we need to do better by marine life.
As I moved down the beach to offer Reiki to the rest of the seals, they popped up and watched me drum for them as Tilly (dog) patiently wandered around the shoreline. Namaste my fur friends in the ocean. Namaste, God bless you all. May you stay safe and be protected from harm.
Did you know seals come to land when injured so they don't drown in the ocean waters? This seal came ashore, either by his own doing or from the ocean waves. I was too late to offer him life saving help as he was already deceased when found. And while I did a report to MARS, it brings a sense of reality to the world in what is important in life and how quickly things can change. For this seal and his colony, a sad change. For humanity in general, we need to do better by marine life.
As I moved down the beach to offer Reiki to the rest of the seals, they popped up and watched me drum for them as Tilly (dog) patiently wandered around the shoreline. Namaste my fur friends in the ocean. Namaste, God bless you all. May you stay safe and be protected from harm.