"Whether you believe in natural modalities for cancer or not, there is, in my mind, no such thing as one cure for cancer. It takes of multitude of modalities to fight cancer and many of those modalities are found on this great earth of ours spread out by God for all to find. Isn't the heart that beats worth trying?" Maria Lisa Polegatto Mar 18, 2017
"The more time I spend with dogs and learning about them, the more I believe that dogs absorb their companion's illnesses. That may be another reason why dogs don't live long enough. They heal us despite shortening their own lives." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Rest in peace my sweet Whiskey in the arms of the Angels and the Blessed Lord Jesus above. May your wings fly home with great dispatch so that you can come stay with me and walk beside me evermore. You were the greatest blessing and joy in my life, next to my son, of course, who brought you home more than 14 years ago and so the years have flown by, from a furry babe rescued and barely able to stand to the sweetest, most wise soul I could ever have known, my best friend, my furry love, the kindest soul I ever met. You have taught me more about life and love than I can ever say, my love for you grew deeper each day and wrapped around my soul, although the tears will tug at my heart, I know you are with me always deep within my heart next to my Mom, where the two of you shall never depart. Whoever said dogs don't like hugs, didn't know you, for hugs were a thing of plenty in our love. Although you made it through cancer with your spunk and determination, your golden heart stopped beating without warning. Today was exactly 5 months from surgery and yet nearly a year from the appearance of that dreaded lump. We had agreed you would pass peacefully in your sleep some night and so you did in true golden fashion next to me and our souls shall never part. We spent the long weekend doing things you loved - hugs, snuggles, walking, eating, relaxing, visiting some favorite places and spending time with your favorite people - both of us not knowing what was yet to come. Although I wasn't ready to let you go ever, you took it upon yourself to leave quickly and peacefully without warning and so I have no choice but to respect God's wishes and hug you in my dreams til we meet again, my furry love."
"You stay with me, I'll stay with you, we'll stay together, forever my love." Maria Lisa Polegatto August 2, 2016 Time goes by so quickly, the past seems so far behind, so lucky am I to have you still by my side with 14 years this month now behind. With gratitude I give thanks for you my furry love. We are not just outside walking, but you are out walking me in distance, stronger still, stride for stride as walks again increase in length out sniffing all that is divine. Your bowels this month have proved they can stand the test of time for although they gave me some concern, your strength increases as does your tail beating upon my heart with love. How precious was this week when you laid your head upon my lap and snuggled me with your love. Another sign that you are recovering from the ill effects cancer tried to place upon you. My love for you grows deeper still for your love is like no mortal love, it is full of divine precious love, true and pure, how else could you still be by my side, day into night, night into day, our paths intertwined. I am there for you, and you for me, together side by side, forever as we stride as tomorrows call us as the dusk turns into dawn, a new beginning and we carry on in the divine Light as it is created. Maria Lisa Polegatto July 2, 2016
"The bravest of hearts carry on long after the battle has been launched, day by day until each turns into three months from surgery. Finally the weather has decided to stick with double digits for more than one day at a time. Oh, to run free without the weight of a jacket is bliss. Walks have increased in length. Although Spring also brings hidden treasures in the grass that dogs love to sniff and snack, her tummy is back on track with more help from her favorite Vet. Yes, we have good days and bad, so we cherish them all with lots of hugs and snuggles knowing we're there for each other through thick and thin, side by side, in daylight and dark, healing each other heart to heart." Maria Lisa Polegatto (June 2, 2016)
"Waking up to soft nudges on my arm and a tender wet nose on my cheek is the best kind of alarm clock reminder to get our bodies moving with a morning walk and a healthy breakfast." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Two months from surgery and still going strong despite some arthritis. Ironically, she moved better with the cancer than after so back to the basics for stiff getting ups with help from her Vet to help her along. Any sign of her surgery scar has faded away. So glad to see the sun come out to dry up some creakiness in both her and I. That sun had her trotting right along all weekend and she gained strength and a new nickname, "Snoopy", for eagerly snooping into everything as she trotted along. Today we weighed her in at an ideal weight of 74.6 lbs to keep her in check. My little miracle is sleeping through the night, eagerly awaiting good morning hugs, patiently awaiting as she stretches out on the sofa with head on the pillow and tail wagging through the day for her gourmet meals. While I don't understand everything about life, I do understand how precious it is to hug her each day and night." :) Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Now I know spring has finally sprung - Whiskey not only did her morning walk, she also did her evening walk and added another round all in one outing with no signs of fatigue. Those legs were moving in rhythm only stopping for sniffs of grass and telephone poles along the way. Impressive. More hugs today for my furry love to celebrate." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Today Whiskey and I were saddened to learn of another cancer patient we know. As Whiskey as my "miracle" by my side, we can tell you cancer can be beaten. It takes a lot of work but it can be done. Look around at the miracles of life, listen to the whispers in the wind, and believe with your whole heart. When you stumble and fall, pick yourself back up, brush yourself off and know deep within your heart you can do it. We will help you when you're ready all the way through it. That was the promise I made for Whiskey's healing - sharing is learning. All you need do is be open to the healing." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"I'm loving The Truth About Cancer series for things I have done with my dog. While the series talks people, I relate it to dogs, with modification and research, of course, to make sure it is dog friendly :) The proof that it works is in her wagging tail and wet nose on my cheek in the morning :) Maria Lisa Polegatto
"While I have done many different natural modalities with my dog to heal her from cancer, I have also seen the benefits of conventional medicine used by her Vet. To heal you must bring the body back into harmony with itself. While her heart beat better with homeopathy, it beat even better with help from her Vet and continues to do so. I believe when both natural and conventional medicine work together, more cures will be had for cancer. It's a win-win solution when people work together, cancer included. It takes many different avenues to turn cancer off. I don't believe there is just one cure based on what I have done. It's ok to be just a part of the cure :)" Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Celery - part of nature's organic healing plan to heal your stomach which in turn heals your body. It's full of divine health that no man can reproduce. It's full of water, yes, but water in it's purest form is also a great healer. While the juice is healing, juicing is vital when feeding to dogs as celery sinews can cause digestive distress. Not only is celery's healing properties beneficial when dealing with cancer but also diabetes and the inflammation caused by arthritis." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Not only have I found turmeric beneficial in dealing with canine cancer, but it also helps ease the pain associated with the inflammation of arthritis." Maria Lisa Polegatto
#canine #cancer "Recovery continues; one month from surgery gone by so quickly. Dog walks get longer as the sun warms our path, much sniffing is occurring as the winter thaw opens way, appetite continues to be strong, she's alert and friendly, tail wagging while grinning eagerly awaiting hugs, sleeps are restful and undisturbed, weight gain increases to 74.1 lbs. - truly golden :). It's amazing that time heals so quickly but we'll never forget the journey that brought us here today. Each day a blessing with hugs and snuggles to start and end the day." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Recovery is sweet as she eagerly awaits walks, morning and evening, tail wagging with excitement, sniffing all along her path, building muscle as she gains back the weight once lost." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Seeing my dog recover from cancer is sweet. The whole experience is bitter sweet though since my Mom died of breast cancer 8 years ago. While she did survive many times from reoccurring cancer for over 20 years which then spread further, the last battle was too much and too short. The only saving grace was that she had absolutely no pain." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Another feat accomplished - the stitches are out :) Healing is continuing, puppy like playfulness unfolds, with more enjoyment for life. So much gratitude to all who have helped along this path of pawsitive adventures." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"My canine's favorite music, and mine too :) Let the ocean waves heal you. Breathe in each wave as it crashes upon the shore, let it carry you away as the sun flickers and dances upon the waves, the warm summer breeze floats around you and wraps you incredible love as it ripples to your soul to refresh, awaken and renew you." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"It's official! The lump is gone and Whiskey is back home resting peacefully! The most heartfelt thank-you to Dave Rozee and his Animal Medical Centre veterinary team in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada - you are all a pawsitive influence in the care of animals :) Thank you for taking the time and having the patience to listen to and answer all of my concerns and have Whiskey, at 13 years of age, in better shape after having cancer than before this whole cancer ordeal occurred. Whiskey and I couldn't have travelled this journey without your kindness, compassion and expertise." :) Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Whiskey is enjoying these mild days when she can kick off her dog boots and feel the fresh green grass sprouting up between her toes :)" Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Since I was a puppy, my Mom has been telling me that she loves me very much and that I am beautiful everyday. I know she's with me through all the good times and the hard times too. It keeps me feeling pawsitive. We have had and still have lots of hugs, snuggles and belly rubs along the way. She sings to me too - I don't have the heart to tell her she's off a pitch or two here and there but I'm getting used to it and she's trying so hard. This emotional stuff is stressful and rough at times but it helps to know I have people who care so much about me by my side. Whiskey Polegatto
"When cooking my dog haddock, I use low heat and use extra water. The meat I add to her food, the liquid I strain to use in the morning and evening to add flavor for her pre-breakfast and bedtime smoothie. Liquid is important to keep your dog hydrated." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"On the journey of canine cancer, peacefully sleeping through the night.......is golden." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"Joy is watching your canine cancer patient recover from cancer and run like the wind around the block." Maria Lisa Polegatto
"I included steel cut oats in my canine's cancer diet. Although they require more energy to digest, they have a lower glycemic index than rolled oats." Maria Lisa Polegatto
Quotes, Chatterings and Tweets by:Maria Lisa Polegatto, CMP, RAS, BACS Categories