Maria Lisa Polegatto - February 2024
Social Entrepreneurs
While being a person who loves nature, hiking and volunteering for Canadian Sea Turtle Network and Marine Animal Response Society, the narrative is bigger as we learn more and grow in the process. I am intrigued by social entrepreneurs and how they manage to put in motion their action through various processes, steps and perseverance for success
A social entrepreneur is a person or organization that sees a social need for change and is inspired and intends to take radical action to make the world a better place by using their competitive nature for change, transformation and making a difference (Wesley et al, 2007). While the world is full of simple, complicated, and complex problems, the social entrepreneur believes change can occur in spite of all of these issues and moves forward anyway to adapt, emerge, and evolve in the process (Wesley et al, 2007).
To succeed, social innovation takes into account “simple, complicated and complex” issues with the complexity of relationships intertwined to avoid disaster of ignoring any of these issues (Wesley et al, 2007). Globally we are facing new and unexpected challenges without certainty of what the future holds in store economically, politically, or personally (Wesley et al, 2007) with changes such as environment, poverty, energy, employment, health, and welfare which are constantly being intensified (O’Brien, 2016). Working on groups can lead people to become support groups for each other, more confidence in their abilities and collectively have a stronger voice (Wesley et al, 2007). Sometimes, social innovation comes forth by simply being in the right place at the right time and asking questions to transform the issue into a solutions where the systems and people meet (Wesley et al, 2007).
Thinking about things that matter in the world is the start to asking questions to find answers, revealing, and creating tension to engage and amplify an issue, everyone involved assisting in some way to the relationship and having the mindset for action to succeed is critical (Wesley et al, 2007). Social innovators often find themselves in “sync” and able to leap into rapid action with immeasurable possibilities to succeed (Wesley et al, 2007). Entrepreneurship also considers sustainability and inclusion instead of being focused solely on profit and not only includes the underprivileged or disadvantaged but all persons (O’Brien, 2016). Education is a source of future consideration where we can integrate “creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability” (O’Brien, 2016).
I enjoyed Yong Zhao's presentation and am inspired by his in-depth analysis for the benefit of everyone as opposed to a standard curriculum for all. Everyone is unique and has something to offer even if we do not have the courage in ourselves to see it. Curriculum should not be about an indication of intelligence but rather support students in becoming better human beings to build a better world based on talents not skill testing of learned knowledge (UOC - Open University of Catalonia, 2013). Education should open our minds to new opportunities and things we may not have been aware of previously such as sustainability – it is “paramount that we educate people” for the future of the environment and generations to come (Harcomb, 2024). We should personalize education to meet and enhance talents, use those talents to innovate new tools and jobs, and use global resources to learn and grow (UOC - Open University of Catalonia, 2013).
Otherwise, we are losing out by not giving importance to talents, tools, opportunities, and innovation. Could we have more social entrepreneurs in the world by recognizing individuals? Are we loosing out on a better future for all by treating everyone as they are the same? If we were meant to be robots, why do we all think differently, have different skills and the ability to innovate? Why do we treat people like there is something wrong with them if we don’t all have the same understanding, views, and opinions? How can we be ourselves when the world is teaching us to be the same, know the same things and repeat back the same things?
We need to have compassion, commitment to take action, knowledge to know what actions to take, use our talents, courage to fail and proceed, an innovator mindset and in the process emerge and adapt to a better world for everyone. We need a global shift to conscientiously acknowledge globally there is a dire need for sustainability, innovation, creativity and a new form of educational system that benefits all kinds of learners.
Harcombe, J. K.-F. & C. (2024, February 4). Uwe appoints professor to lead Sustainability Work. BBC News.
O’Brien, Catherine. (2016). Education for Sustainable Happiness and Well-Being. Routledge.
UOC - Open University of Catalonia . (2013, January 7). Yong Zhao - world class learners: Educating creative and entrepreneurial students. YouTube.
Westley, Frances., Patton, M. Quinn., & Zimmerman, B. (2007). Getting to maybe : how the
world is changed. Vintage Canada.
O’Brien, Catherine. (2016). Education for Sustainable Happiness and Well-Being. Routledge.
UOC - Open University of Catalonia . (2013, January 7). Yong Zhao - world class learners: Educating creative and entrepreneurial students. YouTube.
Westley, Frances., Patton, M. Quinn., & Zimmerman, B. (2007). Getting to maybe : how the
world is changed. Vintage Canada.
#sustainability #education #learning #academictwitter #outside #getoutside #novascotialife #nature #environment