She lurks in wait
Calculating when to strike
Like a scorpion
Tail held high, chest out, head up, ears on
When silence comes
And happiness abounds
Productivity at it's best
The scorpion takes aim
"How dare you be happy!"
Enjoying even life's little pleasures
Everything appearing to flow
So the onslaught begins
The careful approach out of thin air
Correction gone too far
Belittling over board
When that does not work
Slam! Right in your face the tail strikes
The scorpion turns and runs back home as if innocent
Anything but
The bear is now awakened
"How dare you come into my den and strike!"
It growls but is unwilling to fight
It just wants peace
As the overseer comes in with insufferable damage cries out, "Get out!"
The scorpion is happy now
Turmoil is all she knows
Happiness comes from inside but has alluded her grace
The bear confused and shook to depths of soul
Wanders off wondering why
After losing family has barely took hold
Awakened now to the terrible plight of humanity
To control not only their own domain but others
Reaching for more drama is all the scorpion knows
The forest falls quiet for no one dares step foot
The air is dense, misted over with drama so thick
Waiting for night fall when all go to sleep
A better day tomorrow?
The bear shakes off yet again
Waiting for the inevitable next the scorpion is planning
Retreating back to den to take comfort in nature
Where life is lived with purpose in mind
Then the bear wanders off in search of honey
Talking to the birds as they chirp
About how humanity has got it all wrong
It is not about the fight for survival
It is about the collaboration
Unity to bring us together to protect and conserve
The forest and species from destruction
So all ecosystems can blend together in synergy
The web of life can be cruel
So why make it worse?
Look inside for your passions
Help one another
Momma bear now off to search for her cub
To protect and nurture as a momma bear does
No need to retaliate
That just pulls you into the mud
Instead build up walls of confidence
Stand tall, no ego, on guard
For the scorpion quietly waits
Her anger better put forth in doing her own work
Heed others advice and change with the wind
Nature is revolving, every morning
Patience is a virtue
While we are all the same
We are all unique so just be yourself
Let the green monster fall away
Instead of destroying you as it wills
Strive for peace, love of others and mind your own place
The grass isn't greener
The yard full of leaves is not messy
It is a yard full of life
Take hold of the love in your heart
Before it falls down like the tree with no roots embedded in His grace
Let His light shine in
Rejoice in His presence
Skip through your path with joy in your heart
Your day will be lighter
God created it that way.