Published online in the Edge Magazine
by Maria Lisa Polegatto
Love Is All Around You
Every day is a day for love. Where the magic swirls around and captures your heart and wraps it with unconditional love. Love is everywhere. Open yourself to the many possibilities all around you. They do exist you simply need to let them naturally unfold.
Love Exists In You
Take for instance yourself. Love exists in you. On the surface we are what we see - hair, skin, our outer shell, but go deeper - we find bones and muscles and organs, going deeper still we find cells and tissues and deeper and deeper we find the spirit that exists in all of us, for that is what keeps us going, and deeper still to the magic that created the spirit within us. The magic that God created us with, that energy that started our heart beating and our body functioning to grow. It doesn't just stop there. We think, breath, eat, sleep, run, jump, walk, read, learn, communicate, see, sense, feel everything around us.
Let Love Grow
Now take all of that ability and let it flow within you. Let it grow and grow within you and allow it to wrap all around you. Not just around your very being but share it. Let your love float in the air to reach out to speak from your soul to others. Know that the more love you feel, the more it grows within you. Feel the welling up of love within you. Let it bubble up and pop all around you sending loving energy to your environment. See the world in a whole new way.
Kindness and Compassion
Let your love wrap others in loving kindness and compassion. See the spirit in others. Not just the skin and bones. See deeper to see everyone has a spirit, including animals. Not everyone you meet is meant to be your soul mate but be kind to them also. Some are meant to be friends, family, acquaintances, people passing through your life for you to learn from or you from them. Allow the process to continue over and over. When challenges present themselves, let love guide your way in dealing with them. Instead of getting upset stay on the path of truth and honesty and allow it to fill you with energy to raise your soul's vibration to move love.
Dance In The Love
The more love you grow the more love will enter your life and give you the greatest of happiness inside. Dance in the energy of love. Let it wrap you in eternal happiness that you can share with others. Just when you think you can't love anymore than you already do, someone will come around the corner and show you that you can. Welcome in love and let it dance around your heart :)
Maria Lisa Polegatto
Take for instance yourself. Love exists in you. On the surface we are what we see - hair, skin, our outer shell, but go deeper - we find bones and muscles and organs, going deeper still we find cells and tissues and deeper and deeper we find the spirit that exists in all of us, for that is what keeps us going, and deeper still to the magic that created the spirit within us. The magic that God created us with, that energy that started our heart beating and our body functioning to grow. It doesn't just stop there. We think, breath, eat, sleep, run, jump, walk, read, learn, communicate, see, sense, feel everything around us.
Let Love Grow
Now take all of that ability and let it flow within you. Let it grow and grow within you and allow it to wrap all around you. Not just around your very being but share it. Let your love float in the air to reach out to speak from your soul to others. Know that the more love you feel, the more it grows within you. Feel the welling up of love within you. Let it bubble up and pop all around you sending loving energy to your environment. See the world in a whole new way.
Kindness and Compassion
Let your love wrap others in loving kindness and compassion. See the spirit in others. Not just the skin and bones. See deeper to see everyone has a spirit, including animals. Not everyone you meet is meant to be your soul mate but be kind to them also. Some are meant to be friends, family, acquaintances, people passing through your life for you to learn from or you from them. Allow the process to continue over and over. When challenges present themselves, let love guide your way in dealing with them. Instead of getting upset stay on the path of truth and honesty and allow it to fill you with energy to raise your soul's vibration to move love.
Dance In The Love
The more love you grow the more love will enter your life and give you the greatest of happiness inside. Dance in the energy of love. Let it wrap you in eternal happiness that you can share with others. Just when you think you can't love anymore than you already do, someone will come around the corner and show you that you can. Welcome in love and let it dance around your heart :)
Maria Lisa Polegatto