by Maria Lisa Polegatto
"How wonderful vacation is going to be!" exclaimed the young Olympians. Their parents busy in the background, smiling to themselves as bubbles floated to the surface from the scurrying of packing for their annual journey. They were just as excited to be leading their school on this expedition.
"How wonderful vacation is going to be!" exclaimed the young Olympians. Their parents busy in the background, smiling to themselves as bubbles floated to the surface from the scurrying of packing for their annual journey. They were just as excited to be leading their school on this expedition.
The Journey
As the school arrived at the border checkpoint, everyone was in order with passports ready on the tip of their fins as they passed by the coral reefs of the Mediterranean Sea heading into the depths of the deep blue sea. "Keep together everyone!" called out the head fish scout, "we don't want anyone swimming off alone and getting lost." "To the right you will see the waterway that leads to Spain, to the left the USA. We will be going straight ahead to bask in the cooler waters of the Atlantic Ocean closer to the Arctic". As the school of 5,000 swam on, the reflection of their speckled belly scales flickered in the waters. "Stay low as we go kids, so we don't call attention to fishermen out in their boats and don't eat anything dangling in the waters".
As the school moved on, they encountered all kinds of underwater adventures. They learned about shipwrecks and how the sea can be treacherous on top while seemingly calm near the bottom. When the storm is in full brew, it feels like the water is wavy, pulling to and fro.
As they passed by lobsters, they said "hello" while staying out of reach of waving claws. The octopus were too busy climbing in shells to hide away and nap to notice them passing by. The turtles swam with them for awhile, steady as they go. The fish raced ahead and played tag here and there but the turtles always made it to the next destination first, graciously waiting for the next checkpoint to be announced.
Luckily the sea kelp grew heavily through some parts as the giant adults taught the young to play hide and seek until the moving sea clouds above them swam by and danger was out of sight. Luckily for Bluefin Tuna they don't need to go up for air as the whales do and their torpedo bodies make for a quick and deep get away giving them time to swim on by before the whales frolic and spout bubbles to catch the fish off guard.
Arriving At Destination
"Arriving at destination!" the fish GPS announced. "Here you will find all the amenities for your vacation to enjoy your time with us" announced Maris, the bubbly Fish Spa Greeter. "There are spa treatments of massage, meditation and gentle healing music being offered today, we have a live band of crab and porpoise playing tonight and tomorrow the sun is expected to shine sun rays deep to the ocean floor but have no fear our oceans are temperature controlled so although the sun shines the waves keep cold. We just installed an underwater machine that regulates as temperature fluctuates. It runs off solar power from the rays of the sun so there are no fuel spills, it uses our natural sea water so we don't become sick from unnatural water and has an automatic temperature controller to produce ice as needed to control the sea's temperatures. It has filters on the uptakes and pulsates so no one gets pulled into the system. Guests are very much enjoying it's benefits. We are the first to get this system but it is being installed all over the sea," Maris explained. "Even though you Bluefin Tuna are warm bodied and able to withstand great temperature changes, some of our guests are cold bodied fish and need more constant temperature. The food buffet goes on all day and night long but have no fear, sushi is never on the menu. Enjoy your stay with us."
Vacation went by quickly, too quickly, but much needed sea fat was gained and it was time to head back for home. The fish were very impressed with the spa, so impressed they wondered how they could use this same type of fish-nology to cool the ocean seas in their part of the world. After discussions with the spa owners they were able to get in touch with the fish-nology techs who agreed to swim back with them to set up their own system to benefit the oceans all over the world.
Bluefin Tuna constantly swim around fast to gain lots of oxygen in their gills to keep up with the love in their enormous hearts. That's why they are the Olympians of the sea. Although they keep fish stocks in check and they are prey to whales and sharks, these fish know they need to help the dolphins, the seals, the whales and other sea creatures in their part of the world too because the circle of life in the sea flows on from generation to generation and healthy waters means healthy marine life which means a healthy environment for all living creatures big and small.
As the school arrived at the border checkpoint, everyone was in order with passports ready on the tip of their fins as they passed by the coral reefs of the Mediterranean Sea heading into the depths of the deep blue sea. "Keep together everyone!" called out the head fish scout, "we don't want anyone swimming off alone and getting lost." "To the right you will see the waterway that leads to Spain, to the left the USA. We will be going straight ahead to bask in the cooler waters of the Atlantic Ocean closer to the Arctic". As the school of 5,000 swam on, the reflection of their speckled belly scales flickered in the waters. "Stay low as we go kids, so we don't call attention to fishermen out in their boats and don't eat anything dangling in the waters".
As the school moved on, they encountered all kinds of underwater adventures. They learned about shipwrecks and how the sea can be treacherous on top while seemingly calm near the bottom. When the storm is in full brew, it feels like the water is wavy, pulling to and fro.
As they passed by lobsters, they said "hello" while staying out of reach of waving claws. The octopus were too busy climbing in shells to hide away and nap to notice them passing by. The turtles swam with them for awhile, steady as they go. The fish raced ahead and played tag here and there but the turtles always made it to the next destination first, graciously waiting for the next checkpoint to be announced.
Luckily the sea kelp grew heavily through some parts as the giant adults taught the young to play hide and seek until the moving sea clouds above them swam by and danger was out of sight. Luckily for Bluefin Tuna they don't need to go up for air as the whales do and their torpedo bodies make for a quick and deep get away giving them time to swim on by before the whales frolic and spout bubbles to catch the fish off guard.
Arriving At Destination
"Arriving at destination!" the fish GPS announced. "Here you will find all the amenities for your vacation to enjoy your time with us" announced Maris, the bubbly Fish Spa Greeter. "There are spa treatments of massage, meditation and gentle healing music being offered today, we have a live band of crab and porpoise playing tonight and tomorrow the sun is expected to shine sun rays deep to the ocean floor but have no fear our oceans are temperature controlled so although the sun shines the waves keep cold. We just installed an underwater machine that regulates as temperature fluctuates. It runs off solar power from the rays of the sun so there are no fuel spills, it uses our natural sea water so we don't become sick from unnatural water and has an automatic temperature controller to produce ice as needed to control the sea's temperatures. It has filters on the uptakes and pulsates so no one gets pulled into the system. Guests are very much enjoying it's benefits. We are the first to get this system but it is being installed all over the sea," Maris explained. "Even though you Bluefin Tuna are warm bodied and able to withstand great temperature changes, some of our guests are cold bodied fish and need more constant temperature. The food buffet goes on all day and night long but have no fear, sushi is never on the menu. Enjoy your stay with us."
Vacation went by quickly, too quickly, but much needed sea fat was gained and it was time to head back for home. The fish were very impressed with the spa, so impressed they wondered how they could use this same type of fish-nology to cool the ocean seas in their part of the world. After discussions with the spa owners they were able to get in touch with the fish-nology techs who agreed to swim back with them to set up their own system to benefit the oceans all over the world.
Bluefin Tuna constantly swim around fast to gain lots of oxygen in their gills to keep up with the love in their enormous hearts. That's why they are the Olympians of the sea. Although they keep fish stocks in check and they are prey to whales and sharks, these fish know they need to help the dolphins, the seals, the whales and other sea creatures in their part of the world too because the circle of life in the sea flows on from generation to generation and healthy waters means healthy marine life which means a healthy environment for all living creatures big and small.