By Maria Lisa Polegatto
Bully Talk:
Tick Tock, Tick Tock
Time's up, you lose
Took too long to react
So we had to instigate
Still not working
They me try again
Slam, bam, go sit down
Laughing all the way
That got you going
Wind you up to react
But you never stand up
Why now? What's new?
Been watching you
You were too happy
Life was too good to you
How do you like it now?
Slam, bam, until next time
Got you again
Blamed it all on you
They will believe me
They always do
Guilty until proven innocent
It will never happen
I've got them in my pocket
Still shaking, I go the other way
You're right
I usually run from drama
I prefer to be anti dramatic
And yes you did come back
But I locked you out
I knew you weren't done
You never are
The difference is
I feel sorry for you
I tried to understand
But really it's not my place
It's your place to understand
What is wrong in your life
That has you thriving for drama
Its none of my business
Until you stand before me causing trauma
You've tried to make me minimal
But what you don't understand
Is the mirror in your own mind
Reflects back you to you, not me
Next time you sit down
Take out a note, not spite
Write down everything you hate about me
Then turn it around and see yourself
Would that change your mind on how you treat me?
Maybe not but the mirror shines brighter
The problem really is, I could help you
Give you the tips that I always use
Like the clothing you mock me for
Or the healing methods I use
Because I'm a chronic helper not liar
Even though you've convinced others the opposite
The truth you see, will set you free
Free from the extra work of drama
It's so much better to relax
So much life work gets done
So much fun is to be had
Just let go of control
Step up to yourself
It's ok, the world will go on living
Raise your vibration not your hand
Life is too complicated to add trauma.
Bully Talk:
Tick Tock, Tick Tock
Time's up, you lose
Took too long to react
So we had to instigate
Still not working
They me try again
Slam, bam, go sit down
Laughing all the way
That got you going
Wind you up to react
But you never stand up
Why now? What's new?
Been watching you
You were too happy
Life was too good to you
How do you like it now?
Slam, bam, until next time
Got you again
Blamed it all on you
They will believe me
They always do
Guilty until proven innocent
It will never happen
I've got them in my pocket
Still shaking, I go the other way
You're right
I usually run from drama
I prefer to be anti dramatic
And yes you did come back
But I locked you out
I knew you weren't done
You never are
The difference is
I feel sorry for you
I tried to understand
But really it's not my place
It's your place to understand
What is wrong in your life
That has you thriving for drama
Its none of my business
Until you stand before me causing trauma
You've tried to make me minimal
But what you don't understand
Is the mirror in your own mind
Reflects back you to you, not me
Next time you sit down
Take out a note, not spite
Write down everything you hate about me
Then turn it around and see yourself
Would that change your mind on how you treat me?
Maybe not but the mirror shines brighter
The problem really is, I could help you
Give you the tips that I always use
Like the clothing you mock me for
Or the healing methods I use
Because I'm a chronic helper not liar
Even though you've convinced others the opposite
The truth you see, will set you free
Free from the extra work of drama
It's so much better to relax
So much life work gets done
So much fun is to be had
Just let go of control
Step up to yourself
It's ok, the world will go on living
Raise your vibration not your hand
Life is too complicated to add trauma.