Why does hate and spite rule the world?
When peace and love can save us all
From East to West and North to South
Why can’t we have it all?
Love that is
Peace that is
Can you help spread the word
About peace and love throughout the world?
The fighting and battles go on all day and into the night
Countries near and away so far
Yes, they too can have it all
Just lower your guns and think of it all
The money spend on guns could feed not just your fighters
Fighters that could one day be mothers and fathers
Today we lost more
Millions of people not coming home
Gone and soon forgotten by most
Their families left grieving
More will replace them day by day
Fill their hands instead with seeds to plant and grow
Peace and love will surely follow
When we spend time on the earth instead of in it
That is what we are meant to do
Please help me spread the word
I hope one day all will come to pass
And peace and love will rule the world