Healing occurs when we enter into stillness, awareness and unfolding emotions
There is no better place to find this place of sweet serenity than nature
Nature that offers us reminders Spirit is always near
Healing occurs when we enter into stillness, awareness and unfolding emotions
Consciousness beats to the vibration of love out into the world
Nature offers us reminders that Spirit is always near
I am conscious of the healing that binds my soul to God
Consciousness beats to the vibration of love into the world
I am surrounded with blessings brought forth from Spirit
I am conscious of the healing that binds my soul to God
I feel the energy of this living world swirl around in living color
I am surrounded with blessings brought forth from Spirit
I am recharged as my consciousness expands with loving healing
I feel the energy of this living world swirl around in living color
I choose to be conscious of God's gift of His unending love.
Maria Lisa Polegatto
May 1, 2017