I am but a butterfly
So small in this great big world
Set out of my cocoon
I take to the world in flight
Flying high above
I see the world so finely
I feel the changes as they come
Fluttering about with grace and beauty
Sending messages all about
With seeds of the future flowing
Holding life in delicate balance
To and fro I dance in the quality of life.
Maria Lisa Polegatto
Feb 10, 2017
So small in this great big world
Set out of my cocoon
I take to the world in flight
Flying high above
I see the world so finely
I feel the changes as they come
Fluttering about with grace and beauty
Sending messages all about
With seeds of the future flowing
Holding life in delicate balance
To and fro I dance in the quality of life.
Maria Lisa Polegatto
Feb 10, 2017