by Maria Lisa Polegatto
Why is it fine for others to tell the truth
But when I do, I'm spinning a story for my own benefit?
I'm tired of being the bad guy
I'm not bad
I love too deeply
I feel too much
I'm sensitive to the things around me
I have to tell the truth
I don't have a choice in that
It's the way I am
Right down to my very core
No wonder I don't truth too easily
Why do people not realize when others spin a story?
Just being it easier does make it true
Just because you like the person talking doesn't mean they tell the truth
Wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up little Suzie, it's time to wake up
People who get upset about a lie are not lying
They are passionate about the truth
The truth means something to them
The truth will set you free
The truth is the way to the Light
It's a path to righteous
The right path to be on
One lie leads to another and another
It is a path of many turns, hills, detours, dead ends and tragedy
The Light shines from Heaven straight through to the earth
It freely flows to each of us
All we need to do is get outside and let the Light shine upon us
Let the rays beam down through the clouds on a gloomy day
On the days you are accused of spinning the wrong way
Turn yourself around and go the right way
Away from negativity and enjoy the Light.
Why is it fine for others to tell the truth
But when I do, I'm spinning a story for my own benefit?
I'm tired of being the bad guy
I'm not bad
I love too deeply
I feel too much
I'm sensitive to the things around me
I have to tell the truth
I don't have a choice in that
It's the way I am
Right down to my very core
No wonder I don't truth too easily
Why do people not realize when others spin a story?
Just being it easier does make it true
Just because you like the person talking doesn't mean they tell the truth
Wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up little Suzie, it's time to wake up
People who get upset about a lie are not lying
They are passionate about the truth
The truth means something to them
The truth will set you free
The truth is the way to the Light
It's a path to righteous
The right path to be on
One lie leads to another and another
It is a path of many turns, hills, detours, dead ends and tragedy
The Light shines from Heaven straight through to the earth
It freely flows to each of us
All we need to do is get outside and let the Light shine upon us
Let the rays beam down through the clouds on a gloomy day
On the days you are accused of spinning the wrong way
Turn yourself around and go the right way
Away from negativity and enjoy the Light.