by Maria Lisa Polegatto
Oh how its web spins the truth
Each section carefully thought out
As the prey enters innocently
The venom is dangerously close
Waiting, wanting......and then it strikes
Each blow delicately placed before the next
Carefully treading its way to the heart
Secretly telling the sweet nothings
And oh so charmingly does it talk
Life a goddess she walks
But underneath the stealth ways
Is a heart of hurt and disrepair
Instead of mending herself
She sets out to destroy the world around
How easily it is to work on oneself
A deep satisfaction of coming into your own
Instead of left hollow as victory has no win
Her emptiness only leads to more destruction
Eventually to herself and the world around
Concentrate instead on the Light within
Let it glow brighter and brighter still
Pay no heed to those who take offense
For those not of the Light will try their best
They will mock you, spread deceit about you
They will turn on you in your time of need
They will see the vulnerable state coming
It is then that they act
For no one but them should be in the spotlight
They are seekers and suckers out of life
For all situation that don't benefit them
They will gain your confidence and information
Only to use it for their own benefit
Seek not to enter the web
Instead run
Run as fast as you can
But at all times tell the truth
For the truth will set you free
The truth overcomes manipulation in the end
Those left in the dust will eventually find their way out of the shadow
Or get sucked into more of the same
The Light needs not to manipulate
It is loving, kind, compassionate toward all
It take no hostage, it mends the broken
It waits for you to accept it, it attacks not
It surrounds you with love, not hate
It teaches, not takes away
It shines so others will shine too
Brightly shining for the greater good for all
Not just one.
Oh how its web spins the truth
Each section carefully thought out
As the prey enters innocently
The venom is dangerously close
Waiting, wanting......and then it strikes
Each blow delicately placed before the next
Carefully treading its way to the heart
Secretly telling the sweet nothings
And oh so charmingly does it talk
Life a goddess she walks
But underneath the stealth ways
Is a heart of hurt and disrepair
Instead of mending herself
She sets out to destroy the world around
How easily it is to work on oneself
A deep satisfaction of coming into your own
Instead of left hollow as victory has no win
Her emptiness only leads to more destruction
Eventually to herself and the world around
Concentrate instead on the Light within
Let it glow brighter and brighter still
Pay no heed to those who take offense
For those not of the Light will try their best
They will mock you, spread deceit about you
They will turn on you in your time of need
They will see the vulnerable state coming
It is then that they act
For no one but them should be in the spotlight
They are seekers and suckers out of life
For all situation that don't benefit them
They will gain your confidence and information
Only to use it for their own benefit
Seek not to enter the web
Instead run
Run as fast as you can
But at all times tell the truth
For the truth will set you free
The truth overcomes manipulation in the end
Those left in the dust will eventually find their way out of the shadow
Or get sucked into more of the same
The Light needs not to manipulate
It is loving, kind, compassionate toward all
It take no hostage, it mends the broken
It waits for you to accept it, it attacks not
It surrounds you with love, not hate
It teaches, not takes away
It shines so others will shine too
Brightly shining for the greater good for all
Not just one.