Sometime people only see in themselves, what they see in others
Sometimes people only see in others, what they see in themselves
Sometimes people only see what they want to see
Your mind is an illusion created by your perceptions of reality in the world
Dream big, think positive, create your reality
Step aside from your fears
Allow your soul to breath
Open your heart like that of a flower
It blossoms early each morning
Feel your petals unfold
One.........by one
As the dew drops cling
The sun beams down upon you
Emerging fresh and new
Sometimes the soil is fertile
Sometimes you must make it so
Persevere mighty little one
You are part of nature; the greater plan
Your beauty unfolds as the day begins
People see in you the light of the One that came before you
For that is what people see
Strength that is enduring.
Maria Lisa Polegatto
January 4, 2015
Sometimes people only see in others, what they see in themselves
Sometimes people only see what they want to see
Your mind is an illusion created by your perceptions of reality in the world
Dream big, think positive, create your reality
Step aside from your fears
Allow your soul to breath
Open your heart like that of a flower
It blossoms early each morning
Feel your petals unfold
One.........by one
As the dew drops cling
The sun beams down upon you
Emerging fresh and new
Sometimes the soil is fertile
Sometimes you must make it so
Persevere mighty little one
You are part of nature; the greater plan
Your beauty unfolds as the day begins
People see in you the light of the One that came before you
For that is what people see
Strength that is enduring.
Maria Lisa Polegatto
January 4, 2015